added value statement
Смотреть что такое "added value statement" в других словарях:
added-value statement — See: value added statement … Accounting dictionary
value-added statement — added value statement A financial statement showing how much wealth (value added) has been created by the collective effort of capital, employees, and others and how it has been allocated for an accounting period. Value added is normally… … Accounting dictionary
value-added statement — added value statement A financial statement showing how much wealth (value added) has been created by the collective effort of capital, employees, and others and how it has been allocated for an accounting period Value added is normally… … Big dictionary of business and management
value added — added value The value added to goods or services by a step in the chain of original purchase, manufacture or other enhancement, and retail. See value added statement; value chain See also Economic Value Added … Big dictionary of business and management
Statement of Standard Accounting Practice — SSAP Any of the accounting standards prepared by the Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) and issued by the six members of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies. Starting in 1971, a total of 25 SSAPs were issued up to 1990, when the… … Accounting dictionary
Statement of Standard Accounting Practice — SSAP Any of the accounting standards prepared by the Accounting Standards Board and issued by the six members of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies The first SSAP was issued in 1971 and in total 25 SSAPs were issued. Before a SSAP… … Big dictionary of business and management
Customer value proposition — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia
Singular value decomposition — Visualization of the SVD of a 2 dimensional, real shearing matrix M. First, we see the unit disc in blue together with the two canonical unit vectors. We then see the action of M, which distorts the disk to an ellipse. The SVD decomposes M into… … Wikipedia
Intensional statement — In logic, an intensional statement form is a statement form with at least one instance such that substituting co extensive expressions into it does not always preserve logical value. An intensional statement is a statement that is an instance of… … Wikipedia
Entity–attribute–value model — (EAV) is a data model to describe entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest. In… … Wikipedia
Contextual value added — (CVA) is a statistic used by the government of the United Kingdom to assess the performance of schools. The statistic is intended to show the progress children have made whilst attending a particular school. Unlike statistics such as exam… … Wikipedia